Sunday, 07 August 2011 07:16

Halogenated Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Health Hazards

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Chemical Name    


ICSC Short-Term Exposure

ICSC Long-Term Exposure

ICSC Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

US NIOSH Target OrgansRoutes Of Entry

US NIOSH Symptoms

ALLYL CHLORIDE     107-05-1

eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; kidneys; CNS

may effect liver; kidneys; PNS

Inhalation: cough, sore throat, headache, dizziness, abdominal cramps, burning sensation, vomiting, laboured breathing, unconsciousness

Skin: may be absorbed, redness, burning sensation, pain, deep bone ache several hours after contact

Eyes: redness, pain, blurred vision

Ingestion: abdominal pain, sensation, vomiting

Resp sys; skin; eyes; liver; kidneys Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, nose, muc memb; pulm edema; in animals: liver, kidney inj


eyes; skin; resp tract; kidneys; adrenal gland

Inhalation: dizziness, dullness, headache, coma, tremora

Skin: may be absorbed, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: nausea, vomiting

Eyes; skin; resp sys; kidneys (in animals: kidney tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

In animals: irrit eyes, skin, resp sys; kidney damage; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: incoordination, exhilaration, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, weakness, unconsciousness

Skin: dry skin, redness, skin burns, blisters

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain

Liver; kidneys; eyes; resp sys; CNS; skin (in animals: liver tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, nose, throat; nau; flush face, neck; verti, dizz, inco; head, som; skin eryt; liver damage; (carc)


eyes; skin ; lungs; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, weakness, unconsciousness

Skin: dry skin, redness

Eyes: redness, pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain

Resp sys; heart; liver; kidneys; CNS; skin; eyes (in animals: liver & kidney cancer) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin; head, vert; vis dist, ftg, gidd, tremor, som, nau, vomit; derm; card arrhy, pares; liver inj; (carc)

VINYL CHLORIDE     75-01-4

eyes ;skin; CNS

liver; blood vessels; connective tissue

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, unconsciousness

Skin: on contact with liquid: frostbite

Eyes: redness, pain

Liver; CNS; blood; resp sys; lymphatic sys (liver cancer) Inh; con (liq)

Weak; abdom pain, GI bleeding; enlarged liver; pallor or cyan of extremities; liq: frostbite; (carc)


eyes; skin; resp tract; lungs; CNS

skin; liver; kidneys

Inhalation: dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness

Skin: redness, skin burns

Eyes: redness,pain

Ingestion: abdominal pain, sore throat

Eyes; skin; resp sys; CNS; liver; kidneys (in animals: liver & kidney tumors) Inh; abs; ing; con

Irrit eyes, skin, throat; dizz, head, nau; dysp; liver, kidney dysfunc; pneuitis; (carc)



Read 5156 times Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2011 19:12

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